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Raven James

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Join date: Dec 27, 2022


Hi, Readers!

My name is Raven and I am the founder and admin of the Serendipity & Such blog! I created this space years ago during a time in which I was very much in need of a creative outlet. I also felt like I was surrounded by a lot of negativity and wanted to pour into something meaningful with meaningful topics. Over time, I started seeing the vision for Serendipity & Such for people like myself: people wanting connection and wanting to learn and grow themselves without having to do it alone. It's what I wanted for myself and it's what I want for you too, reader!

I'm based out in the Northern VA area with my husband Shaquan and our dog Tyson. I love writing, reading (fiction and non-fiction), discovering new music, and I'm also a bit of a foodie. When I'm not working on the blog, I'm usually doing something to connect with friends and loved ones (I'm very much a quality time type of person). When I'm more relaxed, I'm typically either reading or watching a combination of YouTube and Korean dramas.

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